The Lush Green Spice Gardens of Goa


When you enter the Goan spice gardens, you are transformed into another world of lush green plantations, the aroma of exotic spices, the drizzle of the tender raindrops, and you enter into a complete state of relaxation. The spice gardens of Goa are excellent at boosting your health and wellness quotient. Your stress levels are greatly reduced, and you feel a new surge of energy.
The Shahakari spice farm in Goa can be said as one of the exotic places in the world.  Upon your arrival, you are in for a warm traditional welcome with a string of colorful, pretty flowers.
After a light snack on some crisps and herbal tea, you are geared up for an exciting adventure into the spice universe. A friendly guide explains to you everything in detail.
After a thrilling walk through the lush green spices, you can relish some authentic Goan cuisine served in earthen pots. The cuisine is prepared with the bountiful harvest of the spice garden, helping you enjoy a delicious and sumptuous meal.
If the weather permits, you can enjoy a thrilling elephant ride. There is an organic spice shop where you can fill your bag with amazing spices and handicrafts.
Though you may spend a couple of hours in the lovely spice garden, you’ll carry with you a lifetime of beautiful memories feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the world.