Oman- The Top Destination For Your Health And Wellness

‘My favorite thing to do is to go where I’ve never been,’ said a great philosopher. So make traveling your hobby and explore Mother Nature for your own wellness and happiness.
Oman is a great country with a rich natural heritage. It can be called the land of frankincense, the land of healing hot water springs, the top destination to watch blowholes, and the home to a million-year-old cave.
On a more specific note, Oman is an Arab country situated in the Arabian Peninsula. It is one of the most peaceful countries in the Middle East. Let us talk about the most beautiful places to visit in Oman. Gear up, here we go……………

Hot water springs of Oman

The AlKasfah spring is a collection of natural water springs with an amazing heat balm of 45 degrees Celsius.  It is very famous for its therapeutic waters.
  • Health benefits of these natural water spas
  • ·Thermal bathing increases blood circulation and cell oxygenation.  
  • ·       Increased blood flow eliminates toxins and nourishes vital internal organs.
  • ·       Mineral springs contain negative ions which promote physical and mental wellness
  • ·       The spring waters have a therapeutic effect on skin conditions such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and other fungal infections.
  • ·       The natural hot spas improves your sleep and reduces the stress levels
  • ·       The natural buoyancy of the water is good for arthritis patients.
  • ·       A nice dip in the hot springs eliminates toxins by way of sweat.
  • A dash of fresh herbs and essential oils enhances wellness benefits even more.

The frankincense of the hills of Dhofar

Oman frankincense is one of the greatest treasures in the world. It has such amazing healing properties. The trees are nurtured by nature. The ancient twisted trees come to life every September. The trees explode with white flowers. A small incision is made in its bark. And fragrant pearls of white resin drip off. They are collected and left to dry to get the transparent frankincense.  

Al Hoota Cave

It is estimated to be 2 million years old. The cave is formed by the dissolution of limestone by acid water. It is home to some scarce and endemic species.
Cave exercise is excellent. Oh! It simply means having a nice long walk in the cave. But people with back pain problems, heart problems, high blood pressure, and pregnant women in their final months of pregnancy are not allowed inside the cave.
Blowholes of Oman

These wonder blowholes have been formed naturally in limestone rocks where water is spewed out and can reach a height of 30 m or more. I think watching these blowholes can be a good natural exercise for your eyes.