Electric Sit Stand Desk: 6 Phenomenal Health Benefits

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One of the most significant threats of our modern lifestyle is being desk-bound. The medical fraternity terms this as the sitting disease. A sedentary lifestyle actively promotes a higher risk for diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, and early death. Accessorizing office space with the electric sit stand desk favors human biomechanics and significantly boosts employee performance and wellness.

What is electric sit stand desk

It’s a height-adjustable free standing desk that shifts its position up or down with the help of two electric motors. A simple control panel mounted under the desk surface helps to control its movement. These ergonomic moving desks help you find your ideal height with ease and have superb features to make your workday a breeze.

The electrical adjustment helps to raise and lower these desks much smoothly than manual options. Likewise, its anti-collision feature senses other objects and stops moving — a great addition to people with kids or pets that might come into their workspace.


The preset memory options allow you to program a preset button to your configured height-so the desk adjusts automatically to the set position. Likewise, the other unique features include the dual motor and the crossbar. 

A crossbar provides optimal balance preventing wobbling and shaking. Dual motors offer better stability, more weight-bearing capacity, and low noise levels while working, allowing you to enjoy your work experience.

Health benefits of height adjustable standing desk

Tweaking your sedentary lifestyle a little can bring life-changing benefits. Working in an environment that supports your biomechanics significantly enhances your wellbeing. Ergonomically produced standing desks boost your creativity, protect your posture, and keeps you healthy and productive. 

Boost productivity

Sedentary behavior kills productivity. Mind-body connection plays a crucial part in optimizing performance. The American Medical Association recommends that companies must offer sitting alternatives such as sit-stand work stations. Using such modern workspaces encourages movement while improving office culture and health. Such modern amenities help companies to attract and retain top talent – all the while enhancing productivity.

Lengthens your life

Standing more often can lengthen your lifespan. Research studies show a definitive link between increased sitting time and early death. A research study found that lowering your sitting time raises life expectancy by two years. 

The electric sit stand desk gives the employees the ability to sit and stand throughout the day with severe positive health implications. Prolonged sitting increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease, and early death; a sit-stand workstation encourages movement and increases lifespan.

Reduce back pain

Chronic back pain leads to severe emotional issues. Anger, depression, mood swings, and anxiety are some psychological aftereffects of acute pain. Because of hectic schedules, office workers usually complain of back pain. Experts have carried various research studies to find out whether standing desks could improve this condition. 

A study published by the CDC says that using sit-stand desks reduced upper neck and back pain by 54 percent in just four weeks. Removal of sit, stand desks reversed these positive health effects within two weeks.

Lowers risk of weight gain

Taking in more calories while burning fewer results in weight gain. Conversely, taking in fewer calories and burning more results in weight loss. Standing for three additional hours each day for a year helps you to burn up to eight pounds of fat and 30,000 extra calories. This vast sum is equivalent to running ten marathons. Choosing to stand instead of sitting can prevent weight gain.

A University of Iowa research study states employees using sit-stand desks stood 1 hour more per day than their sitting desk counterparts. Also, they burned 87 calories more per day than people who use sitting desks. 

Improves mood and energy levels

The adjustable height desk has a positive effect on your health and wellness. Moving your body breaks down the negative vibes of sedentary behavior and increases blood circulation. So the blood gushes through your system, bringing fresh oxygen, increasing energy levels, and releasing mood-enhancing chemicals. Reducing sedentary behavior and increasing movement promotes enthusiasm, motivation, and morale among employees.

Enhances brain power

Even a few minutes of sitting negatively impacts blood flow. It slows down circulation and increases the risk of blood clots. Conversely, standing increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain and facilitates the creation of new brain cells, enhancing brainpower. Sit-stand workstations break the monotony of seated work and boost concentration and promote greater on-task engagement.

Employee wellness a bonus

While it’s a well-documented fact that getting moderate amounts of physical activity promotes personal wellness, little thought is being given to encourage movement in most working environments. So employees have no choice but to sit at their desk all day. 

The efficient way to address this problem is to introduce sit-stand workstations. These height-adjustable standing desks are must-have modern office furniture. They optimize productivity, increase concentration, boost team spirit, and above all, produce ample health benefits.

Investing in height adjustable standing desks would be the best investment you’ll be making to encourage employee wellness because of which your company grows by leaps and bounds.