10 Ingenious Exercise Safety Tips

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Have you started exercising? If so, be careful with your workouts, especially during these times of pandemic. 

I  go for brisk walks in the evenings wearing my mask and gloves. Also, I carry extra masks and a pocket hand sanitizer. How about you? Are you following all the safety precautions? 

Ordinary walking and a mild workout are usually excellent if you have no troublesome symptoms. But if you’re planning for a more strenuous regimen, you need to heed your doctor’s advice. 

Consult your doctor if you have any health conditions. Here are some exercise safety tips to have a safe workout. 

#1. Build endurance

Suppose you’re starting with high-intensity workouts. It’s best to take it slow. Build up your endurance for at least a month before doing intense workouts. Once you’ve boosted your endurance levels, then increase the effectiveness of your exercise.

#2. Increase protein intake

Both strength and cardio workouts require protein for muscle building. So pay attention to your protein intake and drink a lot of protein shakes.

#3. Drink water

Your body takes a couple of hours to absorb water. Make sure you hydrate throughout the day and not just before exercise. If you’re running a marathon or doing any strenuous activity, replace fluid along with essential electrolytes.

#4. Warmups and cool downs

Warmup and cool down properly before and after your workouts. Just 10 minutes is enough for effective warmups and cool downs.

#5. Beware of overuse injuries

Training too hard can cause overuse injuries like inflamed tendons and ligaments, stress fractures, and sore joints and muscles. Sports such as swimming, jogging, and tennis cause overuse injuries. So have a mix of different activities and have sufficient rest.

#6. Sensible workouts

Listen to your body. Stop doing exercises when you are feeling sick or tired. Suppose you stop doing workouts for a while shift to a lower level of activity when starting again. For example, if you’re doing strength training, try to lift lighter weights.

#7. Proper clothing

Dress suitably for cold-weather workouts to prevent hyperthermia. Wear layers so you can remove them as you feel warm. Never forget to wear your gloves. 

Go in for clothes and shoes suited to the workout you’re doing. Heavy usage causes the cushioning of your shoes to thin out, so replace every six months. 

#8. Prioritize proper form

Proper form is the backbone for strength training. While learning the exercises, use light weights or better use none. Never hurry to finish reps or sets or struggle to lift heavier weights, or in the end, you may have to sacrifice your proper form.

#9. Be careful in extreme temperatures.

In hot, humid conditions, vigorous exercise could cause dehydration and severe overheating when the temperature reaches 70°F slow downpour pace. On further higher temperatures such as 80°F, a workout in an air-conditioned gym, or the more refreshing early morning or evening hours. Signs of overheating include dizziness, headache, faintness, nausea, palpitations, or cramps––watch for it.

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#10. Seek medical attention for muscle soreness

Usually, muscle soreness starts after 12 to 14 hours after your workout and gradually decreases. By contrast, intense muscle pain that starts during an exercise or muscle soreness that lasts for one or two weeks merits serious medical advice. 

If you want to enhance your workouts without any injury or safety is your prime concern, why not get it from the professionals?

Find Your Trainer offers some great discounts. Grab this offer before its gone and step into a lifestyle of safe and effective workouts. 

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