Lashing Out at Partner- Can Blood Sugar be the Culprit

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The hubby and the kids become cranky whenever they feel hungry. So whenever we go out, my handbag will be full of healthy snacks- to ward off their crankiness and stupidity. I did not devote much thought to it, until I read about an amazing research.
What does the research say?
Scientists say that lower blood sugar levels may make married couples, angry at their spouses. It can likewise make them lash out aggressively- all because of one simple reason- they are hungry.
To prove their point, the researchers used voodoo dolls and 51 pins.
Story of voodoo dolls and pins
Hey, this is not a story, but a catchy heading. The research involved 107 couples. All participants were given voodoo dolls which represented their partners and 51 pins. At the end of each day for 21 consecutive days, the participants have to poke 0 to 51 pins depending upon how angry they were with their spouse.
The better halves were not present at that time. They also checked their blood glucose levels before they retired to bed and also before breakfast. The funny yet informative result was that- the lower the participant’s blood glucose levels the higher the number of pins they stuck in the dolls.
What do you infer from the study?
To be calm and collected requires energy and this is partly provided by the glucose. The researchers say that the brain is a very demanding organ. In order to control your anger you have to maintain healthy blood glucose levels.
Foods that help maintain blood glucose levels-
·      Porridge
·      Broccoli
·      Spinach
·      Green beans
·      Strawberries
·      Salmon
·      Lean meats
·      Sparkling water
·      Cinnamon.
The study throws light on an important matter. Hunger caused by low levels of blood sugar levels may play a role in marital arguments. If both the partners are hungry then heaven forbid tempers would flare up and may even result in domestic violence. All because of one simple reason – hunger
Like the famous poem “for want of a nail a kingdom was lost”.
So, whenever you are about to talk something important to your spouse. Ensure both of you are well fed and not feeling hungry when you discuss an important topic.
Take care,
 Photo by stock images

Take care,