Can Shiatsu Reduce Chronic Pain And Improve Sleep

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Are you one of those who suffer silently with chronic pain? Then here comes the good news! Shiatsu can help you. Feeling a little confused? So, join me as we discover the health benefits of Shiatsu.
What is Shiatsu?

It is the traditional Japanese massage practice. Shiatsu is based on finger and palm pressure. The practitioners believe in an energy called Qi that flows through the body and when we manually manipulate to unblock it, the body can heal itself.

This non-invasive therapy may help reduce stress and contribute to overall well being. It is done without oil and with light comfortable clothing.
Can Shiatsu relieve pain?

Yes, say the scientists. Self-administered shiatsu is being explored as sleep treatment for chronic pain. A small pilot study followed 9 people living with chronic back pain as they self-administered shiatsu pressure techniques on their hands at bedtime. The results were promising the patients had improved quality of sleep. The researchers say more study is required. 

Shiatsu is thought to reduce muscle stiffness, stimulate the skin, enhances nervous health and improves musculoskeletal fitness.
It can be used for headaches, digestive disorders, fatigue, premenstrual syndrome, stress, anxiety, muscle pain and lower back pain.

How can shiatsu improve sleep?

By reducing the pain threshold it improves the quality of sleep. After a shiatsu session, the effect can be calming and sedative. But be known that shiatsu can also stimulate and invigorate depending upon the type of massage.

After a relaxing self-administered shiatsu you enjoy some good old sleep. A good mattress can help you reduce your back pain. By improving the quality of your resting time shiatsu can improve your overall health. A good night’s sleep reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and traffic accidents.
Take care,

Photo courtesy of David Castillo
Take care,