6 Research Proven Tips About The Health Benefits of Orange

The glass of orange juice that you drink has more nutritional benefits than you think. Researchers from the University of Granada have found a technique that measures the antioxidant activity of citrus juices which provides 10 times greater values, than those indicated by present analysis methods. Now do you understand what I mean?

Citrus goodness
The present analysis methods do not calculate the antioxidant activity of the fibre, assuming that it is not beneficial. But when the fibre reaches the large intestine the micro-organisms living there, ferment it and extract even more antioxidant substances. These substances can be calculated with this new method of analysis. How is that?

How to eat an orange?
This seems to be the craziest question ever. I have an aunt who finishes off even the inner white pulp of an orange. But scientists say that the healing phytonutrients are found in the peel and inner white pulp of the orange rather than in its liquid centre.

These wonder nutrients help to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol in animal studies. They have strong anti-inflammatory properties. Oranges are excellent sources of vitamin C. This wonder vitamin in good amounts reduces the risk of colon cancer and reduces the severity of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and asthma.

Vitamin C boosts the health of the immune system. It protects against frequent ear infections and colds. Research suggests that the supplements do not provide the same protective benefits as drinking a glass of orange juice. So for the best results simply eat an orange, better yet eat even the inner white pulp in the comfort of your own home.

Health benefits
WH Foods say that an orange is a treasure trove of 170 different phytonutrients and more than 60 flavonoids.
·       It is a very good source of fiber
·       It prevents kidney stones
·       Reduces the risk of ulcers
·       Reduces the risk of stomach cancer
·       Promotes respiratory health
·       Limonoids, a substance found in oranges fights cancers of mouth, skin, breast and lung
·       Vitamin C gives the best DNA protection
·       Oranges and other citrus fruits protect against overweight and obesity
·       Citrus consumption has positive effects on Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and cognitive impairment
·       Vitamin C has also beneficial effects on macular degeneration, diabetes, gallstones and cataracts.
·       It promotes respiratory health.
I hope there are 1000 reasons to enjoy oranges. You can relish it by including in fresh salads, juices or as I said earlier just eat a whole fruit, even the inner white pulp. Believe me, I tried it, it tastes good. And don’t forget the peels; you can make orange peel candy and orange tea.

Take care,

Take care,