Which Is More Nutritious- Organic Milk or Conventional Milk

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Milk in various forms promotes our health. But a new research says organic milk has lower concentrations of zinc, iodine and selenium than conventional milk. And now we have to decide which is more nutritious. But before you make any quick decision it would be better if you take a minute or two to read the whole post.
The researchers found that the animals on a conventional diet are fed with mineral dietary supplements. Animals in an organic farm are allowed to graze freely and so the mineral content in their milk depends upon the soil nutrition which may not be particularly high. The scientists say supplementing the diet of organic farm animals with seaweed could solve the puzzle.
The study points out that organic milk contains lower levels of copper and zinc compared to conventional milk. But these can be obtained through other food sources because milk is not a primary source of these minerals. Iodine is essential for pregnant women and infants and including seaweeds in the diet of organic farm animals have yielded good results.
Another study points out that organic supermarket milk had higher levels of nutritionally beneficial fatty acids when compared with ordinary milk. It seems that changes in climate such as wet and cool summers in the UK, resulted in higher amounts of saturated fatty acid and lesser beneficial fatty acids in ordinary milk or can we say conventional milk? But no such changes were seen in organic milk.
Organic milk is obtained from farm animals which are treated humanely, they enjoy fresh air and the great outdoors while grazing and they are fed organically certified fodder and not treated with drugs including growth hormone. They have such a happy state of mind when they produce milk and naturally you tend to benefit from this. Actually the last point is my opinion. Sometimes you get into the post so much that you want to share your own views.
Well the scientists believe that though conventional milk may appear nutritious, organic milk has many more beneficial qualities. Now have you got the answer to my question which I asked in the introduction?
Take care,
Photo by Simon Howden
Photo courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net

Take care,