What’s in Your Cup of Milk?

I was listening to a talk show by a yogi or in other words a saint. He was talking about his travelling experiences in Tibet and told about how they make tea in Tibet. The good quality tea is made by boiling tea leaves in water for about half a day which results in a dark brown colored decoction. Then they add yak butter and salt crystals. The resulting so called tea is about the thickness of a stew or thick oil. Then they serve it in clay tea pots. Under these circumstances the yogi described how he prayed for a cup of tea made with milk.
Milk plays a very important role in human lives so much so we can say that milk is the corner stone of a healthy diet. Drinking milk improves overall health, reduces the risk of diabetes, metabolic syndrome and colon cancer. Talking about milk you get it from so many sources. But I am talking about the common cow’s milk.
Milk is rich in calcium and also vitamin D which results in healthy bones. It is a very good source of iodine needed for thyroid function and riboflavin which improves heart health and stamina. It is a good source of protein. By now the media would have trumpeted about the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids and milk can be considered as a good alternative source of these healthy fats.
Now what is important is we should see the food source of these cows. Scientists strongly say that milk produced from organically fed cow and grass fed cows is more nutritious. Cow’s which feed on organically grown red clover produced omega 3 rich milk. Grass fed cows produced milk which contains conjugated linoleic acid which prevents the growth of several types of cancer such as skin cancer, colorectal cancer and breast cancer. These researches were done in in-vitro which means inside test tube.
Milk helps you to slim down especially your waistline. Researchers have found a natural ingredient in milk which protects against obesity and this substance is nicotinamide riboside. Gout which is a common form of arthritis is prevented by drinking milk. Milk is rich in potassium which is essential for your heart. There is a common belief that eating dairy products might lead to kidney stones. But bear it in mind that dietary calcium does not cause kidney stones. For better health and vitality drink milk every day and if you are a grown up then make sure you drink low fat milk.
Take care,
Photo of glass of milk by aopsan

Photo courtesy ofwww.FreeDigitalPhotos.net 

Take care,