How to Untangle Yourself From Workaholism?

I am a hard worker with kids, a mountain of writing work, and housework, the stuff that needs all your attention. But slowly, the defining line between hard work and workaholism blurred, and I forgot to smile at the end of the day. The husband, who is also a good friend, made me realize that life is too precious to be entangled by workaholism. And now I am back to myself, and most importantly, I got my smile back.
In my terms, I can define workaholism as a mesh that engulfs you and devoid you of enjoying other things in your life. A person who is addicted to his work can be termed a workaholic. Workaholism can be said as a respectable addiction. In Japan, a specific term for it is known as ‘karoshi.’ It is considered a serious social problem that results in early death for many, mostly on the job.
Workaholics may suffer from deeper problems such as anxiety, lower self-esteem, and relationship problems. They become so engulfed in their work that it becomes their world. They see work as a way to mask themselves from unwanted feelings. Work will be on their mind 24/7; I hope that is not how God intended us to be. Even God rested on the seventh day and enjoyed all his work.
Workaholism can affect your health adversely. It can cause high work-related stress, job burnout rates, anger, depression, anxiety, and psychosomatic symptoms such as stomach aches and headaches. There are two kinds of workaholics active and passive. Whatever type you may belong to, remember there is a higher calling for your life.
If you want to break away from this fog, there is a treatment called cognitive behavioral therapy. It identifies and modifies negative thoughts and thought patterns. There is a support group called as Workaholics Anonymous; here is the link.
Positive thinking, relaxation, and meditation, such as yoga, can help overcome workaholism. You can also make small changes to your work environment to enliven your workspace. Research has shown that workers who spend long hours under artificial light with no windows are highly dissatisfied with their work. On the other hand, workers who had plants and windows in their office environment reported greater job satisfaction.
You can add some greenery to your workspace; declutter to increase positive energy flow in your workspace. And finally, work is not the end of your life. It is one aspect or dimension of your life. Have you ever heard about the global soap project? It is a non-profit organization founded by Derreck Kayongo and his wife, Sarah.
Soap is a luxury for many people living in Asia and Africa. The big thing about this project is that each soap bar discarded or left behind in hotels is reborn as a brand new soap bar and undergoes a pathology test. Once certified, it is distributed to pregnant women in poor countries, orphanages, and prisons where people need it so badly. 
Now, do you understand that work is not the end? You have a higher calling in life and are very special and unique. Lastly, do not forget to celebrate your little victories and be good to yourself.
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