How To Prevent Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis may be termed as a condition where the bone tissue begins to thin and there is loss of bone density. The two minerals essential for the formation of bone are calcium and phosphate. As a person gets older these minerals are reabsorbed back into the body causing the bone to become brittle, fragile and more prone to fractures.

In men this disease may be due to a drop in testosterone and in women it may be due to the drop in estrogen levels. Osteoporosis affects women over 50 years of age and men over 70 years of age.

It is wise to include calcium and phosphate in our diet from an early age to prevent osteoporosis. You can include fat free milk, home made yogurt, soy, calcium enriched orange juice, green leafy vegetables, collard greens, broccoli, sesame seeds, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, oat meal and shredded wheat.

You can add variety to your diet by including salmon, sardines, fresh fruits and dried fruits. Fresh fruits help in calcium absorption. Avoid sugar, chocolate, soft drinks, alcohol, carbonated beverages, caffeine, salt, junk food and red meat.

Proper healthy diet coupled with regular exercise helps us to lead a healthy life. There is hope for those who are affected by osteoporosis. According to Science Daily a drug which is still in its investigational stage inhibits serotonin formation in the gut and effectively cured osteoporosis in mice and rats. Keeping this as base, new treatments could be developed to help a lot of people in the future.

Take care,
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photo by  Ambro
Take care,