How to Have a Healthy and a Beautiful Skin?

 Skin is the largest organ in the body and it is the most visible one. A healthy and glowing skin will definitely bring a bouquet of compliments your way. But you have to do some ground work in order to boast about a beautiful skin. A healthy diet is a must for problem free skin.
Low fat diary products contain lots of vitamin A. According to nutritionists the health of skin depends on the dietary vitamin A. You can also include a whole range of berries in your diet examples include black berries, blue berries, straw berries and plums. They contain antioxidants which protect the skin from the attack of free radicals.
Now these free radicals can be said as the enemies of skin health. They damage the membrane of skin cells and leads to premature aging. On the other hand antioxidants protect the skin from premature aging.
Salmon, walnuts, canola oil and flax seeds contain essential fatty acids which are essential for the proper maintenance of healthy skin. Selenium which increases the health of skin is found in whole wheat, bread, cereals, tuna and Brazil nuts.
Green tea is highly beneficial for the skin it has anti inflammatory properties and helps prevent and reduce skin cancer. Last but not the least water is essential for the skin. A skin which is properly hydrated has a youthful glow.  
Healthy lifestyle coupled with healthy food practices will definitely turn heads and bring compliments your way seeking the secret of your beautiful skin.

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