The Life-Changing Benefits of Taking Collagen Supplements

Are you worried about your wrinkles and sagging skin? And what about the worn cartilage which causes you joint pain?

The answer is pretty simple. Collagen is your mantra to stay fit and look young.

Supplementing your diet with collagen can help you to live a healthy and active life. What’s more, it will even nourish your skin and make it look plump and youthful.

So basically, what is collagen?

Collagen is a protein that supports the structural component of connective tissues. It’s responsible for skin elasticity and plays a role in joint and bone health as well. Naturally, your body can produce this protein but as you age, the production of this protein slows down. 

As a result, your skin loses its ability to bounce back. And soon, wrinkles begin to form. If you’re worried about wrinkles and want smooth, wrinkle-free skin, then collagen supplements are your best choice.

Nowadays, hydrolyzed versions of this protein supplement are becoming popular. Here the collagen is broken down to peptides making it easier for you to absorb.


Want to go the natural route? No problem! You can obtain it naturally from bone broth. Or else, avail it in the form of capsules, tablets, and powders. Be known, these supplements are even available online. 



Collagen has a host of health benefits. It keeps you looking young, increases muscle mass, improves joint health, and prevents bone loss. Having a thorough knowledge of this protein will significantly enhance your well being.

Skin health

Collagen makes you look young by increasing the hydration of your skin, reducing fine lines and wrinkles and makes your skin plump by increasing its elasticity. 

A research study says that some participants drank a mixture containing collagen, vitamins, minerals, and hyaluronic acid while the others drank a placebo. In comparison with women in the control group, the women who drank the nutrient mixture reported reduction in the depth of their wrinkles, and improvement in their skin’s hydration, and elasticity.

Collagen supplements stimulate your body to produce this nutrient on its own. Many people claim that taking these supplements prevents acne formation and other skin conditions. However, this claim is not proved by research. 

Increased muscle mass

Collagen is necessary to keep your muscles healthy and to function properly. In a research study, 25 frail-looking men consumed collagen for 12 weeks while participating in an exercise program. When they were compared with the control group, the men who consumed collagen gained more muscle mass and strength. 

Collagen may boost the synthesis of muscle protein creatine to increase muscle mass and also boosts muscle growth after exercise.

Improved joint health

This wonder protein helps to prevent the deterioration of joints in your cartilage. When you get older, collagen production gets reduced, and there are high chances that you may develop osteoarthritis. 

A study found that 73 athletes who ate collagen daily felt that their knee pain reduced to a great extent while walking compared to the rest of the group. 

Researchers theorize that supplemental collagen gets accumulated in your cartilage and stimulates the tissues to produce collagen. As a result, there is lower inflammation and improved support for your joints. So you’re free from joint pain.

Bone loss prevention

Collagen structures your bones and keeps them healthy. As your body ages this protein production gets reduced and so does your bone mass. This results in a condition known as osteoporosis, which leads to low bone density and high rate of bone fractures. 

In a research study, 66 women took 5 grams of collagen daily for a year. They had a 7 percent increase in their bone mineral density compared to women who did not supplement this protein.

How to enhance the natural production

The body makes this protein by combining amino acids. You can obtain amino acids from protein-rich foods such as chicken, beef, fish, eggs, beans, and dairy products. The process requires zinc, copper, and vitamin C, as well. As you age, your body loses its efficiency to absorb nutrients. So it would be best if you include protein rich foods or include dietary supplements.

Best collagen-boosting foods

To naturally increase the production of this protein, include bone broth along with healthy servings of proteins, vitamins, and mineral-rich foods. It’s always better to buy organic bone broth or make it only from the bones of organically raised animals. 

Adding a supplement is another great way to boost its levels. Hydrolyzed collagen powder has no flavor, and it easily dissolves in soups, smoothies, and beverages. Always check with your doctor before you add supplements.

As for your skin, which is the largest organ in the body, you can apply a cream with synthetic collagen. It adds a film like a layer to your surface and protects it from environmental elements. But it may not be the same as healthy eating. Nourishing your body with healthy foods is a great way to gain collagen. 

Are there any side effects

This protein supplement is generally safe. But, take this supplement as per the advice of a health care professional. Usually, the side effects include diarrhea, rashes, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Otherwise, for most people taking these supplements does not pose any side effects.

Are these supplements vegan friendly

Most manufacturers make these supplements using bones and proteins of animals. However, vegan options are available online. This protein supplement is essential for those following a keto diet. Look for collagen supplements that mainly support the keto diet.