Chamomile Tea Can Increase Your Lifespan

serge berstasius photography,

I planted a mango seed in a pot on my balcony. Soon the seedling grew and became a healthy plant. I wanted to provide a proper home for it. And I started praying; within days, my prayers were answered. 


My daughter’s teacher sent a mail saying students can bring any plant, according to their choice to celebrate, International day of biodiversity. The plant would find a home within their school campus. 


Amazing! I happily packed off my mango sapling, and now it is happily settled in the large school campus, merrily singing to the tunes of the passing breeze.




Be it the gentle chamomile or a huge mango tree, the creator has bestowed nature with bountiful treasures for humanity’s goodness. 


Scientists found that drinking chamomile tree was linked to a decreased risk of death from all causes in Mexican American women. 



Chamomile is the daisy-like plant, and it is used to make an herb infusion to cure various ailments. Its healing properties come from its pretty flowers. They contain volatile oils, flavonoids, and other therapeutic substances.


It is a very ancient plant used for centuries in teas; it promotes good sleep and cures various stomach ailments. Multiple studies have shown that this pretty flower is bestowed with fantastic health-promoting properties.


It is useful in treating high blood glucose levels, diabetic complications, and high cholesterol and anxiety disorders. It has anti-microbial, anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiplatelet effects.


I have attached an amazing YouTube video about the preparation of the famed chamomile tea. Linda Bostock, a medical herbalist, provides a fantastic insight into the chamomile and the preparation of chamomile tea.