Can Morning Sunlight Help You to Become Slim

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I usually go for a walk in the evenings, but a recent revelation by scientists had me second guess my walking routine. After reading this post, there is a greater possibility that you would change your walking routine.
Which is the best part of the day to go for a walk?
Scientists have found a surprising new strategy for managing your weight, the bright morning light. They found that people who had a brisk walk in the morning sunlight had a lower BMI than those who took an evening walk.  The earlier you find the morning light the slimmer you get.
Can light impact your body weight?
Light can be said as the charge that operates your internal body clock. This body clock is responsible for circadian rhythms which in turn regulates the energy balance. Scientists say that if a person is not exposed to sufficient sunlight at the early hours of the day, it could desynchronize the body clock. This will bring about changes in the metabolism which leads to weight gain.
So taking the above facts into consideration, you are better advised by the study researchers to get more exposure to light. In order to promote wellness, work places and schools should have windows. Employees can enjoy their lunch outside or got out for a break. Last but not the least indoor lighting should be improved.
Added benefits of morning walk,
When you step out into nature, you feel refreshed and your energy levels soar to new heights. The cool and misty climate recharges your batteries for the grueling work ahead. Your mind is calm and you feel peaceful.
Sometimes I go for morning walks and I have seen people saying their morning prayers while walking. Early morning walks peps up even your spirituality. Morning walks are good for people with depression, high blood pressure and arthritis.
Your lungs and blood get a rich boost of oxygen. The morning light help you to stay slim and fit.
Take good care,
Photo by Digital Art

Take care,