Can Emu Oil Protect Your Skin This Summer

Nature has so many marvelous products up its sleeve to promote healing. One such amazing thing is emu oil. In this post we shall discuss in detail the health benefits of emu oil.

What is emu oil?

Well, truth be known emu is a soft feathered, brown flightless bird, that is native to Australia. They have long, thin legs, they trot, sprint and can travel great distances.

Oil derived from the adipose tissue of emu is known as emu oil. The oil is largely composed of unsaturated fatty acids; The oleic acid forms the largest component of this oil.

Health benefits of emu oil

I was unaware of the benefits of this emu oil, until a good doctor prescribed it in the form of a cream. So sit tight as we discuss the health benefits.
·  Emu oil can be used as a moisturizer; it nourishes your skin so much that it glows with health
·  Peggy Brill an Orthopaedic therapist says linoleic acid aids in the reduction of swelling, while it blocks pain and promotes healing. The pain relief has lasting effect.
·  Emu oil is used for muscle sprains, injured ligaments and for cuts, scars and burns.
·  It works best for people with psoriasis and eczema
·  It penetrates the layers of skin and replenishes the skin’s natural oil and keeps your skin looking young.
·  The best thing about emu oil is that it has no side effects.

I have my own doubts if you are a vegan or a vegetarian, about the use of emu oil. Anyway, for others emu oil is nature’s gift. But it is also true that, nature has other stuff up its sleeve, to help you lead a healthy life.
Take care


Take care,