Can Body Odor Convey Hidden Diseases And Emotions

It was in our primary school, I remember that they taught us free yoga classes. The master used to yell at us to remove our shoes before doing the exercises. And after a milli second an awkward smell would fill the air. Hey, guess what? It was the smell of the sweaty socks. Neither one nor two, but I can’t tell you how many of them had smelly feet. Gosh! That awkward smell I still do call back.
How is body odor caused?
On a more serious note, sweat is made of water and salt. It is odorless. The smell is due to the bacteria which are on our skin. They eat the sweat and excrete waste that gives this yucky smell.
Science tells us that body odor is specific to each person. But interesting news is that it is same for identical twins, which are in the same environment.
Can body odor tell you about diseases?
Well, now, that’s an interesting question. Scientists say that diseases do have a particular smell. People with diabetes have breath that sometimes smells like rotten apples.
Body odor may be an early bio marker for illness in the form of volatile substances coming from the body.
Scientists say that humans can smell sickness in persons whose immune system is highly active within just a few hours of exposure to a toxin.
Can sweat convey emotions?
Yes, they do say the scientists. The human sweat may convey emotional meanings such as fear. When animals are threatened, they release chemicals as a warning signal to members of their own species. Researchers have found the same thing in humans.
On a lighter vein whether sweat conveys to you about any hidden diseases or talks to you about human emotions, in order to avoid that sweaty, stuffy and awkward smell, how about the good old nice hot shower? It freshens you, livens up your senses and lifts up your spirits, so that you once again have the guts to enter into the world of smelly socks.

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Take good care,
Photo by David Castillo Dominici
*This post is for the “What’s that smell boss” contest by Indiblogger

Take care,