6 Research Proven Ways About Why Honey is Good For You

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The Nepalese have an ancient tradition of hunting honey. A typical honey hunt, high in the distant mountain tops brings about 200 liters of wild honey to the villagers. They also collect red honey, which is utilized for medicinal uses. But sadly this ancient practice is dwindling, so reports New York Times.
Researchers have found that honey could be the solution to antibiotic resistance. You may be wondering how? Here are all the details…..
·      Honey has a unique property where it fights infection on multiple levels, and bacteria find it difficult to develop resistance
·       Researchers say that honey uses a combination of weapons such as hydrogen peroxide, acidity, osmosis, high sugar concentrations and poly phenols, which actively kill bacteria
·      High sugar concentrations produce an osmotic effect, which draws water from bacterial cells. It results in dehydration and death of the bacterial cells.
·      Honey disrupts quorum sensing- which signifies the way bacteria communicate with one and another. This slims down the formation of biofilms.
·      Earlier studies say that bees make a protein and add to honey, which could one day be used to combat antibiotic resistant infections.
·      Put a gold star for this property of honey. Unlike traditional antibiotics, honey does not target the essential growth process of bacteria. This type of targeting helps bacteria to develop resistance.
Now you have seen the wonder properties of honey in fighting antibiotic resistance. It would be deemed fit if you add a dollop of honey to your diet, to increase your wellness.
Take good care,
Photo by nongpimmy

Take care,