11 Top Ideas To Beat The Holiday Weight Gain

The festive season has just begun and I hope that your diaries are marked with party invitations and get-togethers. And this is also the time for people like me to warn you about obesity and all the dangers associated with it.
Here I have put together some thoughts from great minds in the nutrition world, to help you celebrate your holidays in a healthy manner……
1.    It would be wise to keep your current weight and not to reduce weight during the festive season
2.   Treasure some healthy foods at home. When you snack you can munch on the nutritious ones.
3.   Try your level best to stick to your regular workout routine.
4.   If it is not possible at least move as much as you can
5.   Eat healthy foods throughout the day and then go for a party.
6.   If you are the host try to include healthier versions of foodstuffs
7.   Use smaller plates and be choosy in selecting your dishes.
8.   Eat slowly and savor your every bite
9.   Mingle more with the people and care less about food
10.                     Water is healthy, calorie free and so favor water over other beverages
11.                       Make smart food choices, always be on the move, enjoy your time with family and friends and have a great holiday season.
Take good care,
Photo by Grant Cochrane

Take care,