Belated mother’s day wishes to all moms out there! This post is especially dedicated for all you moms who desire a slim, trim belly just like the gorgeous models who adorn the pages of magazines.
Recently I read an article which took the life out of me. It declared a larger waist to hip ratio matters even more than body mass index when it comes to sudden cardiac death risk. The researchers say that abdominal obesity is an independent risk factor for sudden cardiac death even after accounting for factors such as diabetes, hypertension and coronary heart disease.
Sudden cardiac death can be said as death which occurs within an hour of the initial symptoms. People with apple shaped bodies are more prone to sudden cardiac death than people with pear shaped bodies. Pot belly contains trunk fat which is not so good for health.
Exercise along with proper diet and reduced calorie intake can reduce your tummy size. Whole grains, sea food, lean meat, eggs and almonds are high protein foods that help you to reduce belly fat. Soybeans contain lecithin which burns belly fat. The lecithin blocks fat from being absorbed by cells in the body and allows passing through the system without adhering to the gut.
Citrus fruits help to burn fat at a faster rate. Foods containing unsaturated fats such as olives, nuts and avocadoes keep the weight hormones in check. Polyunsaturated fat found in salmon maintains blood sugar level which in turn reduces your waist size.
Take care,
photos courtesy of;
AKARAKINGDOMSportfolio (fat belly)
m_bartosch‘s portfolio is:
address for TeddyBear[Picnic]‘s portfolio is: bean)
for Grant Cochrane‘s portfolio is: hot chilli pepper)
Take care,