The Health Benefits of Berries

Why should you include berries in your daily diet? The answer is very interesting and simple because berries provide a whole lot of health benefits. In this post we will discuss about blue berries, rasp berries and straw berries.
Blue berries – Research has proved that blueberry antioxidants are good for the nervous system and brain health. They protect the body from oxidative stress. The blueberries help to reduce total cholesterol, raise the good cholesterol levels and lower the amount of triglycerides. It prevents clogging of blood vessels and increases plasma oxidant capacity.
Regular intake of blue berries helps to maintain healthy blood pressure. Blue berries improve memory, increase cognitive protection by protecting the nerve cells from oxygen damage. Blue berries are very beneficial for persons suffering from diabetes, metabolic syndrome or insulin resistance because it regulates blood sugar levels. Blue berries improve eye health by protecting retina from oxidative damage.
Raspberries– Do you know an interesting thing about rasp berries? Organic raspberries have more antioxidant capacity than non organic rasp berries. Rasp berries reduce the risk of obesity and fatty liver.  Research done on animal models has proved that raspberries reduce the risk of breast, cervical, colon, esophageal and prostate cancers. The phytonutrients present in these berries lower oxidative stress, reduce inflammation and thereby reduce the development and reproduction of cancer cell.
Raspberry ketones which are also called rheosmin help in the management of obesity and type 2 diabetes. This ketone helps us to digest and absorb less fat. Raspberry extracts help to regulate blood sugar levels in patients suffering from type 2 diabetes. Raspberries are rich in magnesium.
Strawberries – The nutrients present in strawberries are at their best when the pink –red color of strawberry is most vibrant and lustrous. Strawberries are noted for their three topmost health benefits which include; cardiovascular support and management, regulating blood sugar levels and decreasing the risk of type 2 diabetes and preventing breast, cervical, colon and esophageal cancers.
Strawberries contain excellent amounts of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. They are rich in manganese. If you consume strawberries on a regular basis you can be rest assured to have reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. The phytonutrients of strawberries ellagic acid and elagitannins have anticancer benefits. Strawberries enhance motor function and are very good for those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease like ulcerative colitis or crohn’s disease.
Having known all the health benefits of berries it is time for you to grab your basket and rush to your garden or market to fill it with these natural delicate wonders.

Take care,
WH Foods and Wikipedia
Take care,

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