How To Reduce Food Cravings?

Recently I read in an article that a drug made from the saliva of the Gila monster lizard is effective in reducing food cravings. This Gila lizard is North America’s largest lizard. After reading that, my food cravings for jelly chocolates and chocolate chip cookies, ran away to the other side of the universe.
You would have read in gossip magazines that such and such a celebrity has such and such a kind of food craving. The most famous ones are the pregnant celebrities. So what is food craving? It is an intense desire to consume food even when you are not hungry.
What causes food cravings?
The areas in the brain responsible for memory and sensing pleasure can be said as partial culprits. Food cravings arise to satisfy the emotional needs, such as during the times of stress and anxiety. Our genes can also be blamed.
Research studies show that mental imagery, that is thinking about food may be a key component of food cravings. Snacking while watching TV and sleep deprivation can also increase food cravings.
Food cravings during pregnancy
Food cravings and pregnancy go hand in hand. If you crave for sweet foods, you can enjoy a little of it. Always stick to portion size. There are times when women experience weird food cravings and this condition is called pica. It may be a sign that the body is deficient in certain nutrients. When women crave for undesirable substances it may be a sign of iron deficiency. In such cases the doctor may prescribe additional supplementation.
Steps to combat food cravings
Studies have proved that visualizing the food you crave for reduces the craving drastically. When you start craving for chocolates take a brisk walk for 15 minutes and the craving will vanish in thin air. Psychological acupuncture has been shown to reduce food cravings, but it should be continued for about six months.
Chewing sugar free gum can reduce food cravings. Never skip a meal, make low calorie food choices to satisfy your cravings. Maintain cravings journal and take good care of yourself. Drink plenty of water, sleep properly, eat healthy balanced food, eat according to the season and last but not the least you must have the faith in your self.

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