How to Cope up With Acne?

Acne is a skin condition caused by the changes in sebaceous glands. This includes  white heads, black heads, and red inflammation of the skin as a result of infection. According to Wikipedia, the oil from the sebaceous glands combine with the dead skin cells and blocks the pores. Oil builds up under the pores and the skin bacteria grow very quickly. This infection results in acne.

Acne is not a serious medical condition but we should be careful about the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes. Researchers have found out that this bacterium may cause infections after surgery including infections in the brain. This microbe may even spur some cells to become cancerous. This bug may increase the risk of prostate cancer.

This is not to terrify you, but it is better to be informed about certain health risks. Shifting our focus to the main topic acne, proper skin care could greatly reduce acne. A mild, moisturizing soap should be used for cleaning your face. Before you go to bed remove all dirt and makeup. Oily hair should be shampooed daily.
It would do a world of good for your skin if the pimples are not squeezed, scratched, pricked or rubbed. Basic human instinct is to try out all these, but you should never ever resort to these practices. You should not touch your face with hands and fingers. Avoid greasy cosmetics and opt for water based skin products.
Talking about acne medication, you can try over the counter medication, but if the problem persists then better visit a doctor. The doctor may prescribe oral or topical antibiotics for treating the condition. It is also in your best interest that you make lifestyle changes such as sleeping for eight hours, drinking plenty of water and eating healthy to keep your acne problem under check.
You can also use exfoliating cleaners and masques. The various types of acne treatments include topical treatment, antibiotics, oral contraception, laser and light therapy, cosmetic procedures and acne scar treatment. The herbal preparations which work wonders to cure acne include tea tree oil, brewers yeast and thyme. They are safe and can be used without any side effects.
Acne can increase the risk of ocular diseases (eye problems) according to medical specialists. Oral medications to combat acne doubles the risk of eye infections according to researchers. The common side effect of Accutane or Roaccutane is drying up of skin and lips. These medications also affects tear formation of the eyes and tears are very essential for optimal eye health. A simple step to overcome this problem is to use artificial tears and eye drops to keep the eyes lubricated.
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