Can Yoga Increase Your Life Span

Does yoga help you to survive longer? Well, this might be an interesting question. Come join with me as we explore this adventurous question in this post.
Meet this yoga instructor who is 94 years old. She has been named the oldest yoga teacher in the world by Guinness World Records. She has just released a new yoga DVD. This great teacher says yoga is the bringing together of mind, body and spirit in her interview to the Huffington Post.
Her mantra of staying fit at94 is “Think positive and do not let negative thoughts enter your mind”. The advice she gives to all of us is “Be in touch with nature and the fruits of life and that will keep you healthy”. A beautiful quote she said about yoga is that “yoga is the dance of the spirit”.
This ancient art form gives us physical benefits such as improved balance, endurance, strength and flexibility. It promotes concentration and provides relaxation. Harvard Health Publication says yoga tames stress response by decreasing the heart rate, blood pressure and easing relaxation.
The many wonderful postures associated with yoga stimulate blood flow to different organs of the body. This process helps to eliminate toxins. The breathing techniques increase the oxygen content in the blood. Alice Walton writes in Forbes that yoga boosts feel good brain chemicals which are responsible for feelings of relaxation and contentment.
Yoga helps you to become slim, tones muscles, increases self awareness and reduces stress. A recent study published in June found that 20 minute session of Hatha yoga stimulates brain function immediately after the performance. Yoga aids in detoxification of the body and helps to manage chronic conditions.
 If you are going to try yoga for the first time and suffer from any health conditions ask your doctor’s advice.
The benefits of this ancient treasure are plenty to behold. I believe that an art form which enriches health in so many ways will surely increase your lifespan.
Take care,
Photo by Vlado

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Take care,