Top Tips To Be Safe This Summer

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I live in a desert country and the summer months are cruelly hot. I read in the news that temperature in the remote parts of the desert has reached 48degree Celsius. However my little daughter hardly knows this. Her whole world is air-conditioned that some kids in her class even wear sweaters. The other day I was teaching her about the different seasons. I asked her “What do people wear in summer?” she quickly answered “woolen clothes”. It took some seconds for me to make a connection. Have you guessed it?
Summer time can be enjoyable if you take some precautionary measures. In this post we will deal with eight things that you should be aware of.
Swimmers ear- summer time is for splashing around. This condition is mainly caused because water enters the ear while swimming. It creates a moist atmosphere which encourages bacterial growth. This infection is caused in the outer ear canal. Always wear a protective gear when you step inside the water.
Sunburn- they are the first degree burns which are caused by excessive exposure to the sun. The more severe case of sun burn is sun poisoning which includes fever, chills, nausea, headaches and vomiting. Avoid venturing out during the peak hours. And always use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more.
Heat rashes the itchy rash which is red or pink and is found on areas of body covered by clothing.  Prickly heat powders can provide some relief. The best relief efforts would be to cool your skin and prevent sweating. Severe forms of heat rash require a visit to the doctor.
Tick and mosquito bites- summer time would be ideal for camping to catch the lost moments with the wild. But tics and mosquito bites does bother your oneness with nature. Vaccines and drugs can help you prevent the harm associated with tics and mosquito bites, of course with your doctor’s advice.  Mosquito repellents and general protective measures can keep the nuisance at bay.
Food borne illnesses- high temperatures can cause the food to be spoilt quickly. Unwanted guests in the form of pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites may end up in your system causing vomiting and diarrhea. Always eat fresh foods and never leave foods at room temperature.
Dehydration- it is the excessive loss of water from the body. It results in head ache, decreased blood pressure, dizziness, fainting and even delirium. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking lots of water. Avoid strenuous exercise in extreme heat. The more you sweat the higher the chances of dehydration.
Heat stroke- it is considered as a medical emergency. It causes death and harms the brain and other internal organs. People with certain health conditions, infants and older people are vulnerable to heat stroke.  Always remain in cool areas with plenty of fresh air.
Have a great summer!
Take care!
Photo by njaj

Photo courtesy of
Take care,