Best Brain Foods That Make You Smarter

If you are smarter you can achieve a lot of success in life. And the good news is that you can definitely become smarter by including certain foods in your diet. These help your brain to work better making you a smarter person. The five food stuffs are discussed in detail. Have a look. Wholegrain … Read more

Health Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

According to Wikipedia omega 3 is an essential fatty acid which cannot be produced by the body but is essential for the normal metabolism. Omega 3 fatty acids have a host of health benefits. It reduces abnormal heart rhythms and lowers triglycerides. These triglycerides are harmful substances that cause heart disease. Omega 3 found in … Read more

How To Cope Up With Anorexia Nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder. It leads to excessive weight loss, irrational fear of gaining weight, and obsession with one’s figure. Anorexia starts in adolescence and is more prevalent among females than males. That said, about 10% of males suffer from anorexia. It can also be attributed to the much-famed size zero culture. Anorexia … Read more

Top Tips To Deal With Autism

Autism can be said as a developmental disorder and usually develops in the first three years of life. It impairs the development of social and communication skills of the child. The real cause for autism is yet to be found. Boys suffer more from autism than girls. The number of boys affected is 3-4 times … Read more

Is It Safe To Be Vaccinated For Flu?

Before we deal with whether flu vaccination is necessary, let us see the basics about flu. Influenza which is popularly called flu is caused by RNA viruses that affect birds and animals. Influenza spreads around the world resulting in deaths of thousands of people every year. In some pandemic years the numbers may move up … Read more