Nutritional Benefits of Hemp

Do you know what? Hemp is not marijuana. I did a thorough extensive search to find out this. To make matters clear marijuana and hemp are different varieties of the same species of plant. Hemp has a minimal amount of 1% of the psychotrophic chemical THC whereas, marijuana is hemp’s THC rich cousin. Having got … Read more

The Deadliest Health Hazards of Smoking

Wow!! Goodness, gracious! This is my 100th post! I really wanted it to be significant and was kind of thinking about all sorts of topics. But as my regular readers know, this topic kept haunting me so much that I finally decided to write about the health hazards of smoking.  “There is more to life … Read more

How Does Brown Fat Help to Reduce Obesity

 I sort of know what you think right now? Your thoughts are going by these tracks, why on earth does this Swarnam writes about obesity when I am about to enjoy my lavish Christmas feast? Please bear this in mind that is what all heath writers have born for. CNN reports that obesity has become … Read more

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient form of medicine which had its roots in China. This traditional practice involves using very thin needles to stimulate specific points in the body to bring about beneficial therapeutic responses. There is an interesting explanation about its origins; soldiers who were wounded in the battle field by arrows were believed to … Read more

How to Deal With Morning Sickness?

I was so excited to hear about the Royal pregnancy…..still guessing? Kate is expecting and all the fans of the royal family are eagerly expecting a royal baby in 2013. But it seems that the Duchess is hospitalized due to hyperemesis gravidarum- a severe case of morning sickness. Generally morning sickness affects more than half … Read more