Happiness Boosts Your Wellness Quotient

Pixabay.com “Happiness is making others happy, Happiness is there for you and me, The happiness you can’t buy with money, It can only be received, It’s free”. I remember singing this chorus, almost yelling much to the annoyance of my Sunday school teacher, sitting in the front row, when I was a kid. Happiness It … Read more

New Stress Buster; Being Creative

Life is a journey and anyway, everyone is going to arrive at the final destination. But the point is that do we really enjoy our journey or just get caught up in day to day activities, and live a mundane life. To love life means to do something new, experience the thrill and the joy … Read more

Merry Christmas

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas And a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year Take care, Swarnam Photo courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net Take care, Swarnam